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How can I order?

Business customers such as installers, specialist dealers or resellers receive special dealer conditions as well as access to our B2B online shop with over 25,000 products and useful product information.

You are already a customer?

Search, select, compare and order easily and conveniently in our B2B online shop with direct and daily updated display of your individually discounted prices and availability.

If you are still missing your login data, you can easily obtain them on request at shop@sommercable.com.

Alternatively, you can download our complete price list as an Excel file. To enter your discounts, you can call up your individual conditions by sending an e-mail to order@sommercable.com.

Of course you can also order by telephone on +49 7082/491330 or by email to export@sommercable.com.

You want to become a B2B customer?

Please contact our customer service by email at export@sommercable.com or by phone on +49 7082 491330 or register online using the form below.

If your company is not an AG, GmbH or KG, please have a copy of your trade license ready.

Download registration form

Interested parties from countries with general representation will receive their conditions from the responsible SOMMER CABLE  distributor, see below.

Eine Weltkarte mit mehreren Stecknadeln an verschiedenen Ländern. Die Stecknadeln haben jeweils die Flagge drauf.

For international customers - SOMMER worldwide

For international customers our numerous distributors are available worldwide.

If there is not (yet) a contact person in your country, please contact our head office in Germany.

View our distributors

For private customers - SOMMER near you

We are represented by specialist retailers throughout Germany.

End customers can use our dealer search to quickly and easily find an authorized specialist dealer near them.

View our specialist dealers

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